Wednesday, May 12, 2010

communityKNIT is back!

Our apologies....communityKNIT took a bit of hiatus prompted by the knitting needles mysteriously walking away from the project. We are unsure if a knitting thief was simply desperate for a pair of wooden needles to complete a rogue project on the run, or if some small little playful hands slipped them out of the bowl to use as drum sticks. Either way...the project took a pause.

Please come back to share your purls, knits, cables, baubles, etc. even throughout the summer. We are still aiming to have 10-15 completed scarves in the Fall that we are able to auction off for community charities.

Also, please be mindful when you are done with the communityKNIT bowl at Anodyne to not place it prominently in the kids area for little eyes and hands to see and feel. The spiral staircase is a great place to store it when you are done. THANK YOU, knitters!!!

Friday, February 26, 2010

New Palette of Yummy Yarns at Anodyne

Check out the new palette of colors for the next communityKNIT scarf at Anodyne Coffeehouse...warm coral red, luscious chocolate brown, and a soft oatmeal beige.
These are hand spun 100% natural wool fibers that were donated by one of our communityKNITTERS, Sharon P. THANK YOU SHARON!!! We are grateful to have such beautiful yarns to work with in this community project.

If you have yarns from your stash that you won't be using....feel free to donate to communityKNIT. They will go to a good cause....once we reach the goal of knitting at least ten scarves, we will be celebrating with an event where we auction off the scarves with all proceeds going to a local community charity.

Please contact Michelle, communityKNIT creator, if you have yarns to donate or would like more information on being more involved in this project:

Our Latest Finished Piece!

Indeed it has been a while since last updating the communityKNIT blog....but that doesn't mean there hasn't been some sticks clicking away out there in the community. I have collected two finished scarves since December and have worked to weave in the many ends and block out the garments so that it can be eventually worn by one happy bidder who appreciates community hand work.

Pictured here is our latest creation together....a thick, wooly multi-colored scarf that grew bigger and bigger and, like the last one, could also be used as a mini-shawl. The craft on this recent community edition features cabling, fair-isle knitting, and unique patterns worked in intricate ways. When I think of all the hands that stopped to knit on this one piece, it gives me goose-bumps! Thank you to all who knitted together and contributed their talents!

I am finishing up the tucking of tails on our last green/blue/grey scarf that was worked up at Anodyne in January/February....will be featured here soon! Keep sharing with us you knits and purls!